1. Social Media Survey
One of the topics I love to explore at the start of the year is media literacy and with that I love to delve into my students' cell phone habits. I use this survey as a way to encourage group discussion around the topic of cell phone addiction and improper cell phone use. I ask the students to complete a survey on their own and then give them an opportunity to share with their partners / table group. We then share out as a class. Grab this SOCIAL MEDIA SURVEY for FREE and start a discussion with your students about their social media use!
2. Persuasive Paragraph
Here are some topics I have used in the past -
- I am not addicted to my cell phone.
- Teen cell phone use does not need to be monitored.
- Teens use cell phones appropriately.
- Social media has control over our lives.
3. Analyze Social Media Addiction Cartoons
Cartoons can be a great way to incorporate visual literacy into you curriculum and a fabulous way to develop critical thinking skills. There are some fantastic cartoons that really take a hard look at society and their addiction to cell phones and I have found them to be a great resource to use in class. A quick Google or Pinterest search will yield 100s of results for "Social media addiction cartoons" - grab this FREE graphic organizer to help students analyze and critique the cartoons you find online.
4. Incorporate Social Media Into Your Lessons All Year
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! Why not incorporate social media into your lessons? Here are some of my favorite and easy to implement ideas. Don't panic if you're not social media savvy - trust me, your students will easily be able to navigate these activities.
- Have your students create a "text conversation" between two characters in a book. What would Romeo have texted to Juliet if he had been able to? What would a text conversation look like between Jem and Scout?
- Create a social media profile for a famous author, scientist, historical figure or character from a book. There a so many free templates available on download if you do a quick search.
- Create an Instagram timeline for a book - students draw 4-6 important scenes from the book as if they were using Instagram, add text and appropriate hashtags. Or have different students Instagram different chapters to create a giant timeline of events in a novel.
- Students can write a blog post or create a pod cast to review a book they have just read.
- Students can use their phones to create a video to advertise a book (book trailer) - play their videos for the class for a fun activity!
- Students can use their phones to take a photo to represent a vocabulary word / literary term. Have your students create visual idioms or visual similes!
For all of my Media Literacy Resources check out my BUNDLE HERE!
For more Social Media Resources check out these fabulous activities from the ladies of the Secondary English Coffee Shop!
For more Social Media Resources check out these fabulous activities from the ladies of the Secondary English Coffee Shop!
Presto Plans - Grammar Bell-Ringers - Analyzing Social Media
Tracee Orman - Free Twitter Tweet Story or Chapter Summary
Room 213 - Exploring Issues and Information Text - Screen Time
The Daring English Teacher - Argument Essay - Should Cell Phones Be Allowed In Class?
Tracee Orman - Free Twitter Tweet Story or Chapter Summary
Room 213 - Exploring Issues and Information Text - Screen Time
The Daring English Teacher - Argument Essay - Should Cell Phones Be Allowed In Class?