Hello fellow coffee drinkers!
Thank you for joining us during our very first Espresso Shot session! Throughout this post, you will gain personal insight from each of our Secondary English Coffee Shop teachers. For the month of September, we decided to discuss our favorite part about going back to school. Whether it be the crisp newness of fall or the positive energy shared with students, we all have a unique perspective on the first day. Keep reading to find out more!
Our first Espresso Shot comes from Sara from Secondary Sara! Sara says, "I love that Back to School is a season of hope. Even students who don't always "like" school are a little more open-minded and positive, and I can seize that spirit. It's my chance to convince them that they are good at this class, that they can like reading and writing and speaking, and that they should continue to pursue these topics after they leave my room. This is our season to not just teach, but change our students' perceptions of themselves."
-Secondary Sara
The next Espresso Shot comes from Jackie of Room 213! Jackie says, "I've always loved the crisp newness of fall: the weather, the fresh page in the notebook, the new back-to-school outfit. Most of all, I love greeting a new batch of students, kids who will become my other "family". I never know what the mix will be like, but I enjoy the challenge of creating an environment where we can all learn together. I put a lot of time and effort into relationship and rapport building in the first few weeks, because I know it pay great dividends all year. The rush of building trust and respect is definitely one of my favourite parts of going back to school." -Jackie
Next up is Stacey Lloyd! Here's what she has to say: "Summers are for hammock lazing; tennis matches with strawberries and cream; hikes, lake swims and conquering ‘to be read’ towers. So why do I look forward to going back to school..? Because summer is just a well-earned rest stop, and my refreshed spirit is refuelled and ready to fulfil its purpose again! As T.S. Elliot wrote, “Last year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice.” Going back to school is the bright promise of shiny possibilities: an opportunity to set free the words that have been waiting for a new group of student voices who will pick them up and carry them into their future." -Stacey
Brittany from The SuperHERO Teacher thinks, "Back to school is a time for teachers and students both to start fresh. It's like the start of a brand new book-- you don't know what's going to happen next, but you know it'll be a new, exciting adventure that you haven't experienced yet. With that being said, I love the feeling of meeting and developing a strong relationship with each of my students within the first couple of weeks-- ensuring that I will leave a lasting impact on each of them throughout the year and after graduation. Every teacher strives to make a difference in their students' lives and I strongly believe that the impression we make on our students during the first weeks makes all the difference!" -Brittany
Shey, The Classroom Sparrow explains that her, "favorite part about going back to school is that everyone and everything gets a fresh start. My classroom is freshly cleaned and my desk is organized and stocked with new supplies. The classroom atmosphere has a positive vibe due to the new bulletin displays, bright colours and the because the room is surrounded by helpful reading and writing tips and resources. My lessons are revamped and new ideas are being put into action after a summer of brainstorming. Finally, my students are rested from the summer break and are engaged to learn again!" -Shey
The next Espresso Shot is from Addie Williams. She explains that she, "loves the lazy, hazy days of summer and I know we all appreciate the chance to recharge and refresh. However, I also love the change that comes with going back to school. New students, new school supplies, new clothes, new ideas and new inspirations.... I relish the fresh start that a new school year brings. It is a clean slate full of promise and hopes for a great year and an opportunity to create a connected classroom community." -Addie
Danielle from Nouvelle ELA shares: "I was the kid who couldn't wait to organize her school supplies and crack open her new books, and I love this season even more as a teacher! It's amazing to have a fresh start on the curriculum after a summer of relaxation and reflection, and I love meeting new students who walk into my room. There's just so much energy and enthusiasm in the school in the first few months! Each year, I strive to find ways to extend this energy further and further into the school year." -Danielle
Bonnie from Presto Plans adds to the conversation: "The positive energy of the students during back-to-school always gets me. There is nothing better than a former student popping into my classroom all smiles, refreshed, and ready to reconnect. I love hearing about their summer adventures, the books they read, and their plans for the new school year. Those first week interactions always remind me of the main reason why I became a teacher in the first place, to make positive connections with students. It makes me take a breath, slow down, and remember that although there is a lot of content to cover, taking the time to get to know my new students is at the top of my agenda." -Bonnie
Last, but not least, The Daring English Teacher says, "Going back to school is such a fun and exciting time of the year because it is filled with optimism and positivity. My favorite part about going back to school is the growing and learning that come along with the new school year. The new year is like a fresh start, and it's the perfect time to improve our practice as professional educators. It's a new opportunity to connect with students, learn with them, and make a positive change. As each and every new school year rolls around, I take a moment to reflect on the previous year and set some goals for the upcoming year." -Christina
Thank you all SO much for reading! We would love to hear what YOUR favorite part about the beginning of school is, so be sure to comment below!
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